Electrical Parts
Bulb, Stern Lite
This is the most common bulb used on the older A/S boats in the stern lite pole. NOTE: Unli..
Bus Bar
(10) Terminal Bus Bar, Brass, can be used under the dash for grounds, or positive wires. End posts a..
Cover - Short Breaker - BLACK
Protective cover for the "short" or std breakers Only. NOT for the Switch/Breakers (they need the ta..
Fuel Sender
NOTE: We no longer sell this style sender due to poor performance and short life-cycle, see Re..
Fuse Block - 12 circuit
Marine Rated Blue Sea Fuse Block, this is our favorite for the newer 90's, 2000's ski boats that hav..
Fuse Block - 6 circuit
Marine Rated Blue Sea Fuse Block, this is our favorite for the older 70's & 80's ski boats that ..
Fuse Holder (glass fuse)
Dash mounted Fuse Holder for AGC 1/4" x 1 1/4" Glass fuses15Amp Max. Rating..
Ignition Switch - 4-Position
4 Position Ignition Switch, can be used on all ski boats using a keyed switch (4th position is an..
Kill Switch
Replacement Kill switch with LanyardNOTE: This can be used on outboards or Inboards, Inboards ..
Light - LED Bow Light
LED replacement bow light. These are impressive compared to the old incandescent bulbs!..
Light - LED Courtesy Light
These are the lights we use to replace tired old courtesy lights found under the gunnels, deck, dash..
Light - LED Courtesy Light (Square)
Black frame approx. 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" uses a 1 3/4" round hole for mounting, common interior light in ..
Light - Stern Light Base "A"
Common Stern light base, cover swivels over to expose socket, 2 pin Attwood style...
Light - Stern Light Base "P"
Perko style stern light base fixture (no light pole included) 2 pin base..
MasterCraft Ignition Switch Panel
Replacement MasterCraft Ignition Switch panel - Aluminum (not plastic) Blank, no ign. switch or othe..
MasterCraft Switch Panel
MasterCraft Switch Panel - Made from Aluminum, not plastic, this is a blank panel with no switches.D..
MDC-1600 Speedo Hose Fitting
Replacement plastic speedo hose fitting, the originals are suspect to cracking when you try to remov..
Medallion MDC-1600
NOTE: UPDATE 6/18/16 Sold out, No Longer Stocking the MDC's or MMDC's All of our customers are..
Solenoid - Remote Starter
Common starter Solenoid used on many Ski Boats 12volt Replaces: Pleasurcraft R130001, Mercr..